Counseling for the optimization of the internal processes and of the management and performance systems

Over the past years, we have found that in all fields of activity, in the context of fierce competition made even more critical by globalization, it is impossible to go on and continue doing business in the same way that was defined years ago. The conditions have changed significantly.
However, nowadays, most companies are traditionally structured, with positions/departments, high up being the hierarchy of the company. The client, however, is not interested in setups, but in having his requests met.

The known attributes – quality, price, delivery time – although fundamentally important in gaining and maintaining good relations with the clients, are no longer sufficient as a competitive differentiator. The client now has a more complex profile, it is much better informed, and the virtual media and social networks immediately make public his experiences, either good or bad.

The process management program, developed by Ascendis experts with over 10 years' expertise in this field, meets the clients’ needs. It allows organizing and optimizing the processes, facilitating perfect adaptability of products and services to the forever changing needs of its customers. 


Assessment of the organizational structure and culture

Constructive culture corporations work better and attain results easier, being much more profitable on the medium-long term.
An attention-grabbing study published by two Harvard professors pointed out to the world a shocking truth: on the long term, constructive cultures obtain 70 times higher increases of profit, as compared to defensive ones! (J. Kotter, J. Heskett – Corporate Culture and Performance).
However, 85% of worldwide organizations have defensive cultures, contrary to the exquisite performance. A defensive culture manifests itself by the fact that people avoid to assume responsibilities; maintaining the status quo is more important than profit, and the level of acceptance among individuals is necessarily increased, even if it is formal and hollow.
Ascendis can implement corporate culture studies that will help you identify the main values and behavioural patterns present in your organization, that have a direct impact upon the profit and loss account, and, moreover, will help you develop action plans meant to improve culture and increase organization performance, on the short term and the long term.