Loredana joined the team in 2013, taking over the logistical organization of Ascendis events, the development of teambuilding programs based on Romanian traditions and crafts, and CSR programs.
In the 21 years she spent in the tourism and hospitality industry, 13 of which as an entrepreneur, Loredana coordinated over 600 corporate events – conferences, seminars, business launch events, gala events, team building sessions, CSR and incentive programs in various countries such as Austria, France, Italy, Russia, Morocco, Kenya, Cuba, The Arab Emirates, Oman, as well as in Romania, for foreign companies.
Details make the difference. Long-term relationships developed with logistical services partners make the difference.
Hobbies: castles and mansions, people (folk craftsmen) with interesting life stories, rural culture and photography.
Loredana graduated from the Faculty of Tourist and Commercial Management within Dimitrie Cantemir University in Bucharest.